Papyrum was founded as a company more than 22 years ago in Spain. Initially the company specialized in document digitization and management, encompassing the full documentation cycle in both hard copy and digital format, including audio formats.
Papyrum’s business started with document storage, an activity in which the company began increasing its customer portfolio, and optimising and digitising its processes in order to offer a very high response capacity.
The company employs over 80 professionals who specialize in the different areas of document digitization and management, including scanners, documentation specialists, economists, classification experts, process engineers and researchers.
Papyrum has progressively adjusted and broadened its range of services to meet the demands of a constantly changing world. Its experience in document digitization has led the company to specialize in helping its customers in their most complex digital transformation projects thanks to tools and systems which integrate and process all the information flows inside a company: contracts, invoices relating to customers and suppliers, expenses documentations, policies, loans, audio files, etc.
As a result of this experience in all the information processes which occur inside a company, we created our Kulteo product, a powerful documentary information management engine which ensures the security and traceability of all the processes and flexibly adapts to all types of enterprises and institutions.
Papyrum has exported its experience to other countries

International presence
In 2012 Papyrum opened offices in Peru and Argentina with the goal of exporting its successful model to Latin America. The experience of the technology developed in Spain has enabled the company to provide services to multinationals which were already its customers in Spain, as well as to other companies operating in those markets.
From its facilities in Lima it handles the growing demand from companies with offices in Peru which need to optimize how they manage their documentation and move forward in their digital transformation processes. Peru, with growth of 2.5% in 2017, is the country with the greatest economic and business prominence in Latin America. Ministry of the Economy and Finance estimations, in 2018 growth will reach 4%. According to the World Bank, the sound macroeconomic policies of the last decade have led to 9 million Peruvians being lifted out of poverty between 2014 and 2015.
This scenario has opened up an interesting breadth of opportunities for Papyrum to help its customers in their document digitization and management processes, electronic invoicing, qualified and advanced signature implementation, internal protocols, outsourcing and invoice outsourcing, etc.
Its hallmarks
After initial business activities involving document storage and management services, Papyrum has been evolving and creating new solutions for its customers against the backdrop of digital transformation
The company has specialized in handling all the information generated in the many different business activities with certain clear hallmarks: providing the information immediately, ensuring the security and reliability of all the processes and information flows and guaranteeing the quality of the data – at Papyrum, the data we manage for our customers have 99.9% reliability, a figure which very few companies can guarantee.
Our fundamental purpose as a company is to provide our customers with a quality service and contribute added value in all workflows – internal and external – that generate sensitive information:
- Management of digital contracts
- Customer and supplier invoices
- Proof of expenses
- Digital burofax
- Basic, advanced and recognised or qualified signature processes, etc.
Innovation and quality
Since it was founded in 1996 Papyrum has been constantly innovating in search of new solutions for its customers’ demands. Our company has been selected to become part of the R&D Competitiveness Sub-programme of the Avanza Plan, implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Energy. This project is part of the 2000 Lisbon Strategy and aims to promote the development in Spain of the information and knowledge society.
As a result of this vocation for researching and developing new, more efficient solutions for our customers, we have developed Kulteo; this can adapt to any type and size of company, thus enabling SMEs to access a powerful solution which previously only large companies could afford.
In addition, Papyrum has developed innovative solutions in other fields for processes completed in organisations which do not comprise their core business. Information technology makes it possible to outsource services more efficiently. However, in order to do this, the security of the information flows has to be ensured, an area where Papyrum has come up with numerous solutions.